eye tracking

What is Eye tracking and what is it for?

Eyetracking is a technology that allows information to be obtained from the user via analyzing their eye movements. It represents the only way to accurately and objectively measure and understand visual attention.

Information obtained:

This technology shows where a person is looking, what they are looking at, and for how long they pay attention
Display Heatmaps, Attachment Points, Individual Recordings, Numeric Data, Mouse Tracking, Areas of Interest, Times of Interest, Animated Visualizations, and many more


The results it offers us, together with the correct interpretation of the data, is the delivery of very valuable information that can be used to improve the design of a web page and improve navigation processes, facilitate the handling or use of a product generating a better user experience..
It allows you to increase the certainty in the effectiveness of advertising pieces: packaging, graphic pieces, print or social media advertising, online or printed catalogs, retail and shopper, among others.

Results and benefits to clients

The data obtained can be statistically analyzed and graphically represented to provide evidence of specific viewing patterns. By analyzing fixations, and a variety of other metrics, researchers can determine how effective a given product or piece of advertising is.


According to various studies, the region of the brain most affected in purchasing decision making is related to emotions, 95% of our decision-making process is subconscious (not rational).
So how do we know that people really like our product?


It is a powerful tool that allows you to know what your consumer is effectively feeling, you can measure the brain activation of marketing stimuli, know which part of the brain is activated and how it is interpreted. We can determine what your customers like and what they do not like.

Applied Neuroscience

Neuromarketing does not seek to manipulate the mind. Neuromarketing helps to understand what the consumer wants/needs and helps to make products and messages easier to find and understand.

Neuromarketing tools

Surveys and focus groups are traditional marketing tools, which provide information on rational purchasing decisions, and which can perfectly be complemented with the information provided by biometric tools that allow us to have unconscious purchase information.
There is a very important percentage in the purchase decision that is unconscious.
By having more objective information, it increases the effectiveness of achieving the proposed objectives.

Some of the most commonly used biometric tools or technologies for effective marketing research are:
- Eyetracking where the customer's visual attention is fixed.
- Face Reading facial micro-expression recognition to detect emotions.
- GSR Galvanic Skin Response, identifies the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, indicating the emotional impact of a stimulus.

Our Partners

RealEye representatives for Latin America, together with our partners OneCode, Evolutiva Neuroresearch, Fujiy and AdvanceMarketing